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Abdominal / core home workout

Writer: Alberto CeldaAlberto Celda

Easy workout at home where you can work on all your core muscles: abdominal, obliques, lunbars and transversal. In all the planes of motion of your core.

➡️ Bicycle crunches 3x14

➡️ Leg raises 3x12

➡️ Lateral obliques raises 2x10 a side

➡️ Side bends 2x20

➡️ Tuck crunches 3x10

➡️ Side kicks 2x20 seconds

This workout only take about 30 minutes. Rest about 30 seconds between sets for maximum performance in every set.

Work on the squeeze of your muscles to make sure that they get stressed enough to grow and improve.

Do not excuse yourself this quarantine 👊🏻



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