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ACFitness Pancakes

Writer: Alberto CeldaAlberto Celda

Start your morning with your workout and after, have a consistent breakfast. Handmade pancakes, easy to do, healthy and delicious.




  • 3 Eggs

  • 1 Glass of Milk

  • 1 Cup of Flour

  • 1 Teaspoon of olive oil

  • 1 pinch of salt

-Chocolate sauce:

  • 1 ounce of Dark Chcolate

  • 1 Cup of milk

-As your like:

  • 1 bunch walnuts

  • 1 bunch of Blueberries

  • 1 Banana cut in slides

  • Honey



  • 1. Put the Flour, the Eggs, the milk, the salt and the oil in the blender or in one bowl.

  • 2. Mix all the ingredients till smooth.

  • 3. Put a pan on the fire or heating and put a bit oil in the pan, then using a kitchen paper, spread the oil all over the pan.

  • 4. Put the mix in and spread all over the pan again using the movement of your hand and let it cook.

  • 5. Once it is cooked in one side then cook the other. (You can try by the acrobatic way reversing the pancake or just using a spatula).

  • 6. Add a few of walnut, banana slides, honey and blueberries on the top of one pancake.

  • 7. Then repeat this process putting another pancake over the another till you finish all the mix.

-For the chocolate sauce:

  1. Just mix the ingredients: cut the chocolate in pieces and add the milk together then put in the microwave.

  2. Once it is liquid remove it till smooth using a spoon then add it on the top of the pancakes to finish it.


Nutritional information:

  • Calories: 520 kcal

  • Fats: 14 g

  • Protein: 10 g

  • Carbohydrates: 90g


Hope you enjoy this easy and delicious pancakes on your breakfas. It gives you a boost of energy to deal with a long day.

For more healthy and fitness recipes you can contact me.

Having a nutrition plan does not mean that you cannot enjoy your taste.

There are many ways that you can achieve your fitness goals and you can enjoy your meals.

If you want to know more and speak to me or looking for a FREE TRIAL then click in this link:


Watch it, Do it and Repeat it!!



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